Tabby's Steve Young Photos ~~ S. F. 49ers

This page up-dated
April 10, 2000

Steve's San Francisco 49ers Years ~ 1997
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Steve standing on the Niner's playing field at 3Com park. He has a bit lip, probably left over from the Championship games.

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Steve wearing the NBA Salt Lake City JAZZ's John Stockton's jersey, during the NBA Finals, Spring 1997. Jay Leno's show taped a skit  in the Delta Center with Steve and Jerry Seinfeld's mail-man Wayne Knight, re-enacting the court- length pass from John to Karl Malone. Only, Steve "threw" a hot dog, instead of a basketball. You had to see it, OK?

I think it was a left-handed hot dog.

In the Spring of 1997, at Omaha, Nebraska, Steve dressed up as his ancestor Brigham Young to give a speech about Brigham to the Re-Enactment Camp of the Mormon Wagon Train from Nauvoo, Illinois to Utah. He rode a while during part of the trail later, on horseback. He owns around 40-50 show horses. This is what Brigham Young really looked like---sort of, since this is a painting done from a photo of Brigham Young. Actually I think Steve's brother Mike resembles him a little more. Brigham was a carpenter before he became the Prophet of God and President of the church.

Steve's brother Mike Young, about 1987. He spent two years on a LDS Mission in Tegucigalpa Honduras. He then started at BYU as QB but quit football after getting concussions. He is now an emergency room Doctor.

1997 Saints game, with Steve aiming to throw. See how he rolls up his sleeves? Look at the tendons in his right arm that lead from each tensed finger to the elbow. Anatomy 101.

Steve scrambling, early in 1997 season. (The field still has baseball dirt on it.) Notice his shoes have Velcro straps across the laces to keep them on. My kids need those kind.
Steve with Terance Mathis.

1997 Season, Falcon game. Why are so many NFL teams called by bird names? I'd rather be an eagle or a falcon than a raven, which is just a type of crow that sits around all day saying ..... "Nevermore" in nevermore making it to the playoffs....

Steve and J.J. Stokes, high-fiving during the 1997 season.

The background is really blurry because the photographer used a short depth-of-field. Just thought you would really want to know that.

Steve hurt, for a few seconds or days. I think this was after the Chief had hit him full-speed in the back, AFTER the whistle had blown. But both Steve and the guy said they hadn't heard the whistle. Blame it on the refs as usual.

Gee, are those Chiefs hovering over him out of concern for his health? Or could that possibly be a taunt?

I can't figure out why Steve wants to keep playing pro football....

"I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the sky..."

Steve tackles Deion Sanders who intercepted him in a Cowboys game 1997 season. Great tackle after what Steve later called a "bonehead play" (throwing an interception.) Deion used to be a Niner, until Cowboys owner Jerry Jones offered him more money. I think Steve likes to hit Deion now. I think ALL the Niners like to hit Deion now. This was a really good tackle for a Quarterback to make. Steve thinks he has to prove to his linemen that QBs can be tough too. And better looking.

Steve getting bonked by William Floyd. I've noticed a lot of head bonking in the NFL lately. It used to be fanny-patting, but now you pat each other on the helmet. Much better.

Steve is wearing two sets of ribpads--- one over the other; he isn't fat, he just looks kind of chunky here.

His Drivers License says he's 6' 1" and 200 pounds but the Niner Media Guide says he's 6' 2" and 215.

My Drivers License says I'm 5' 8" and 130 pounds.
If we get tested about our Driver's Licenses at the Pearly Gates to Heaven, we're all in a heap of trouble.

Mariucci planning strategy with Steve during the 1997 season. Or maybe they're checking out girls for Steve.
"whatdaya think about the blonde in the third row?"

Of all the girls Steve's dated, most of them were blonde. But he's dated red-heads, and he was engaged to a brunette, so I guess he likes all kinds of women. Especially if they look like Gwyneth Paltrow.

Three-quarter-profile shot of Steve. At least he isn't holding a sign under his chin with numbers on it like half the Dallas Cowboys do sometimes.

I wrote that before the Niners signed Lawrence Phillips....

Yes, Bill Walsh sold out...

Who is this teaching Steve how to dance?
Kevin Gogan.

Here is an article about Steve's dad talking to him about tackling.

Steve's dad played football at BYU in the early 1950's. He set a couple of records. He was the first player on the BYU football team that played after coming back from a LDS church mission. (He went to Australia on his mission.) Before Grit Young, no football team members were allowed to leave to a mission and then return. If they left, their playing days were over. Grit told the team he was going on a mission and he was coming back after it, and he did.

"talk to the hand"

Do you see the look on Steve's face? He must be looking at a Ref.

Falcons game 1997.
Steve "under center." Doesn't that tickle the center? Notice Steve's right foot is starting up, to step back, or maybe just check off.

Steve running with the ball early in the 1997 NFC Championship mud game.

Is he stepping on the Packer's leg?

Notice no mouthpiece. He keeps promising to wear one, because it keeps your teeth from jarring during hits and causing worse concussions.

Their shoes can have three different lengths of spikes and they sometimes switch lengths if they are slipping in the wet grass or mud. Once Steve's foot got ran over by a player wearing long spikes and punctured the top of his foot. He told the guys it brought tears up in his eyes, and he was surprised a little thing like that would hurt that much.

walking away from camera, all muddy

Steve all muddy. Not a good sign. This means the offensive line is breaking down badly. Can you tell this was in the 1997 NFC Championship game?

Steve walking off the field in the rain

Steve walking into the locker room in the rain after the 1997 NFC game was lost to Green Bay. This was a muddy game! He is not happy! At the following press conference, he said a BAD WORD (the D word) and all across the nation, people were shocked and started throwing stones.
If you have Real Audio or a .wav player, I think you can hear Steve talking and getting a litte ticked after the game (Not where he swore). Or maybe not. I can never get it to work.

It doesn't bug me when he says the D word but I don't like to hear anything worse. But I would know better than to take him out of the middle of a series against Philadelphia.

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