Tabby's Steve Young Photos ~~ S. F. 49ers

This page up-dated
April 10, 2000


Steve's San Francisco 49ers Years ~ 1996
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Steve in Hawaii with hula girl for the Pro-Bowl

Steve in Hawaii for the Pro-Bowl, chatting with the entertainment. Apparently.

I'm not sure this is 1996, it could be 1995 or 1997, but it definitely is Steve. (Looking very mellow.)

(I love this picture...
his body English says "I'm helpless against the power
of a beautiful woman")
(typical man)

Leaning on a fence at his ranch

Steve leaning on one of his fences at his Arabian horse ranch in Provo, Utah. He breeds and trains show horses there.

Steve does a lot of Mormon Firesides in California and Utah, where he talks about his religious beliefs to crowds of teenagers and young adults usually, here is a report on one.


Steve in 49er locker room

Steve laughing at something with his agent Leigh Steinberg in the Niner's locker room in 1996. What, Pepsi? No Dr. Pepper? Steve must bring his own.


wedding night cartoon

Notice the Advil bottle in the MVP trophy, the wedding picture, the little footballs on his pajamas, his eyes are swirls, the newspaper says "Bells Ringing for 49er QB-- concussionitis."

November 1996. A cute John Taylor cartoon from local Provo Daily Herald newspaper about Steve being a newlywed. Printed when Steve was having two major concussions and was also newly engaged that same week. I thought it was funny, but a lot of people wrote in mad about it to the paper. I don't know what Steve thought. LaVell Edwards said he hoped Steve wouldn't forget he was engaged since he had those concussions...
Steve decided not to marry this girl after all. (He called an audible.)
Read about it in this article.
Steve hugging his mom after the Washington Redskins game.

His youngest brother Jim is at left in blue.

Steve's little brother Jim and two of his high school friends from Connecticut.They were at the Redskins game with Steve's parents. Jim is in the blue jacket. Notice the friends are wearing their Greenwich High Cardinal jackets.

I believe that Steve's brothers, Mike and Jim are both 6' 4".

Steve's Mom and Dad at the game, with Jim.

Steve's mom, with her friends
Steve's dad, Grit; two of Jim's friends, and Jim in front; Steve's mom, Sherry, sits behind them.

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at B.Y.U.

L.A. /Tampa




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49ers 1996



