Tabby's Steve Young Photos ~~ S. F. 49ers

This page up-dated
April 10, 2000

Steve's San Francisco 49ers Years ~ 1995
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This picture went with the GQ 'Man with a Golden Arm' article. It's one of my favorites, too bad the net browsers don't show all the detail.

Steve's golf swing

Steve playing golf. He does a lot of NFL golf tournaments during the off-season, (the players trade appearances at each other's charity events) and golfs some for fun too. For some reason, his business meetings take place while he's golfing sometimes.... Click for Provo, Utah Forecast

If you want to see what the weather is like in Provo Utah USA right now, click on the rainbow.

  warming up.

Pre-game warming up. (His chin strap is not on, that's how you can tell it isn't during a game play.) 1995?

  Close-up of Steve

Close-up of Steve. Yup, that's him all right.

Steve's famous WhyMilk? ad

Steve's famous "Why Milk?" ad. Sometimes they use yogurt  instead of milk, to make it appear better in  the photograph. The NFL and the Niners wouldn't give him permission to wear his jersey. He was one of the first celebrities to do the milk ad. Both Brett Favre and  John Elway have done them since. They got to wear their team's jerseys. Steve's is the cutest!

He recently (1999 summer) did a TV commercial for "Got Milk?" He runs out of milk for his cereal and goes to a dairy farm. He buys a load of cows and brings them home in a trailer. He's eating his cereal and a cow, IN HIS KITCHEN, moos at him. He give it a 'look' and says to it "Do you do that in YOUR house?" Cow doesn't answer.

I think it is left to your imagination as to what the cow DID when it mooed.

Steve raising his arms in triumph

Steve raising his arms in triumph. He isn't dressed to play, though. But he likes it when his teams wins, even without him.

Here is a good article written about Steve after he had won the Superbowl and wondering if the fame and success was going to change him. Thought provoking. It is from GQ and is called 'the Man with the Golden Arm.'

  Steve having fun in judge's robes. He got his law degree from BYU but can't take the bar exam yet, because it's only offered in January and July. In January, he is still busy studying the Niner play book for the play-offs and in July he is locked up in Niner Training Camp studying the newest Niner play book.

Steve posing in the BYU law library
  Steve with the BYU Law Dean
  Steve is hoping to take the bar exam in Utah and California one day and says he wants to practice law that benefits poorer families.

The California bar exam has a bad reputation for being the hardest exam of all the states, and failing a lot of the people trying to pass it, but Steve says so many try from poor law schools that the test results are skewed. BYU has a great law school. Steve's dad is on the board for it, but he graduated from the University of Utah law school because BYU did not have a law school back then.

Steve was born while his dad was a student as the U of U law school. So Steve has been hearing all that law stuff since before he was born. Maybe that will help when he finally DOES take the bar exam....

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