Personality Profile for Steve Young,
based only on his signature and analyzed by computer.

This is from his signature only, meaning that because his signature is what he "shows" to the world, it is what he subconsciously wants others to think about him. His regular handwriting would reveal what
his personality actually is down deep inside. (That is true of us all, even if we don't have a autograph-
type of signature.) I don't have any of Steve's regular handwriting (he might be glad about that), but this computer program came up with some interesting things based on his signature that I can see corroborated in his interviews and firesides. The computer program analyzes each stroke and style of each letter in his signature and puts out a sentence based on that stroke, so it repeats itself when it comes across another stroke that means the same thing. Once it contradicts an earlier statement; maybe that shows Steve has internal conflicts like the rest of us have. This program is a 1992 one by Riverside Software. You can also learn about analyzing handwriting by looking up "Graphology" in a bookstore or library.

Although you come across as a tough guy, you're really soft inside. You're the old-fashioned type with a love of home and family. You are overly sensitive sometimes, especially to criticism, but are usually successful hiding it. You're kind and considerate, a pleasure as a friend, but watch out if someone hurts you.You don't forget. You are committed to establishing yourself financially.You are protective of yourself and those you love. When you travel, you are cautious about going to places that are unfamiliar. You are a sensitive, caring individual who gets attached to people. You are happiest when you are working to promote growth of some kind, a natural community leader.You work hard to establish a secure future for yourself and loved ones. You enjoy nurturing the growth of others, and take pride in your part of their success.You carry a kind of hominess about you with pictures of your loved ones on your desk. Everyone loves your anecdotes and looney humor. You love to eat and believe a hot shower and a good meal will just about cure any problem.
You want to get ahead in life and create a secure future. Although you don't show it until someone gets to know you, you are attuned to the feelings of others. You always go the distance in friendships, hanging in there through the rough times. You are sensitive and romantic. You love things that are old-fashioned and traditional. You are good at helping others solve their problems. You are a warm and loving guy who fills a room with life. You always play to the crowd, identifying with the larger-than-life hero of any drama or novel. The more you are applauded, the better you perform. There's nothing small or petty about you, your honor means a lot to you. You naturally gravitate to power and like being in control. People enjoy working and being with you. You think life is wonderful and you are one of its stars. You are loyal, good-hearted and open. You never indulge in secretive games, you have nothing to hide.
You have a dramatic flair and love of the arts. Your sense of humor borders on ridiculous, but you don't mind being teased if it's in good fun. When you get upset or blue, it doesn't take much to cajole you into a good mood. You love being the center of attention. You can always find something to love about life. When you feel good, you radiate your enthusiasm to those around you. You're a natural performer and the center of attention. You aren't afraid to be in charge of others and wouldn't consider abusing power. You are playful and creative, bringing a dramatic flair to every situation. You are sincere in your affections, a warm-hearted guy. You believe life is a banquet.
You are reliable and open about your feelings. You love being the center of attention. You don't even have to work at it because your natural personal charisma draws people to you. People feel good about themselves when they are around you. You are a natural actor with a great sense of humor. There is nothing small-minded or hidden about you. You'd rather be a magnificent failure than a mediocre success. You're direct and competitive. You are impatient to get things done and get onto the next challenge. Direct confrontations don't scare you and you don't beat around the bush or pull any punches. You have a temper, but it dies down as quickly as it flares up. While you are confident that you can get things done, when you don't, you can always laugh at your mistakes. Life is terrific!
You're a no-holds barred kind of guy. You pursue adventure and your ideals, sort of like a knight in shining armor always looking for a quest. Your goal is always clear and your heart is pure. You always win by using your wits and daring. You live on the edge. Action is your game. You are always looking ahead and avoid looking back. Whatever you want you go after it. Your passions run so deep that people often find you overwhelming when they get to know you. There is very little middle ground in your emotional make-up. You are either ecstatically happy or horribly miserable. You either attract or repel. Those who are attracted to you find you mysterious and private.
You are passionate about life and its intuitive side. You have a magnetic power that radiates to others. You constantly fight an internal battle to keep your passions in check. It is important to you to internalize your feelings and not share them with the world. You are obsessive about your involvements and your work. You are very sensitive and in tune with the mysteries of life. You think life is wonderful and you are one of its stars. You are loyal, good-hearted and open. You never indulge in secretive games, you have nothing to hide. You have a dramatic flair and love of the arts.
Your sense of humor borders on ridiculous, but you don't mind being teased if it's in good fun. You love being the center of attention. You can always find something to love about life. When you feel good, you radiate your enthusiasm to everyone.

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