Montana, Young say nothing personal at stake

The News & Observer Publishing Co. and The Associated Press, 1994

SANTA CLARA, Calif. (AP) --

It will be the first, and possibly only, chance for Joe Montana and Steve Young to play out years of simmering competitive tension on the field.

Montana and Young both insist there's nothing personal at stake as Sunday's game between the Kansas City Chiefs and the San Francisco 49ers provides the backdrop for their first on-the-field confrontation. "It should be a fun and interesting experience," said Montana, downplaying any revenge factor. "I never imagined I would ever have to (play against the 49ers), but that's the way of the league now. The league is changing and I was part of those changes."

Sunday's showdown has been a long time coming and one that never could have taken place while they were on the same team. But, Montana and Young insist, it's just one game, early in the year at that, and certainly won't make or break either team, regardless of the outcome.

Young said he's approaching the game like he would any other. "This week, as with all the weeks I've been here, I have to go out and perform," Young said. "I have a standard that has been set for me. It's not an easy standard."

That's because Montana set it. In 10 years as the 49ers' starter, Montana led the club to four Super Bowl titles in the 1980s. In the process, he also established himself as one of the region's best-loved sports figures.

But he was knocked off stride by elbow problems and, in his mind, usurped by Young. Before the 1993 season, Montana was traded to Kansas City. Forty-Niners president Carmen Policy likened the move to an emotional earthquake but also believed that the Montana-Young controversy had become so divisive and pronounced that the move had to be made.

Besides, the relationship between Montana and Young had deteriorated from professional but strained to downright icy. The two barely spoke to each other during Montana's last season in San Francisco. "Their relationship was doomed from the beginning," Policy said. "Steve Young hadn't come in as a draft choice to be an understudy. He came to the 49ers in a significant (1987) trade with the obvious intent of him becoming the starting quarterback. "It wasn't a case where Steve was going to learn from the master. Joe saw him as a competitor for the starting position."

Young, who chafed for more playing time in four years as Montana's understudy, has three straight passing titles since taking over his job. But that championship season, the kind his predecessor accomplished with elegance and flair, has eluded him. Young took the 49ers to the brink of the Super Bowl only to lose NFC titles games to Dallas in the past two years.

"I don't know if any quarterback can really say, 'You did it all,' unless you take a team to the Super Bowl," Young said. "There's no doubt as I line up this year, that's the No. 1 thing I hope to do."

Montana grudgingly admits Young has performed well, but that's all he'll concede. "I think he's proved that he's a good player in his own right," Montana said.

Still, Montana, who once said he regarded Young as the "opposition" while both played for the 49ers, made clear he was rankled by the way his career in San Francisco came to an end. "All I ever asked for was a fair shot at competing for the job," he said. "But they weren't going to open it up for competition. Everyone wants that opportunity, but I don't think I was in their plans. The big thing is that's over with now and I have to look to my future. I look back as little as I can."

Young said if there was tension between himself and Montana it wasn't anything personal. "We've always been very professional," Young said. "In any competitive situation it's just what it is. I don't think there's ever been an argument or harsh words or anything like that."

In fact, Young said, he hopes to visit with Montana after the game. He figures he owes him. "If I'm a great quarterback or a good quarterback or a decent quarterback, a lot of it's because of Joe," Young said.

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